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Latest news

  • (25.02) Van-Hoa Cao's recent paper has been published in a prestigious international journal (Engineering Failure Analysis, ranked in the top 9.2% according to JCR, JIF Percentile: 90.8%).

  • (25.02) Novia Chairun Nisa, who was nominated for the K-GKS scholarship at KIT, has recently joined our lab as a Master's student.

  • (25.02) Prof. Gyu-Hyun Go's paper has recently been published in a prestigious international journal in the field of heat and mass transfer (International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, ranked in the top 3.2% according to JCR, JIF Percentile: 96.8%).

  • (24.12.12) Congratulations to Joo Min-Ji and Yoo Su-In for winning the Encouragement Award at the '2024 Underground Safety Short-form Content Contest (2024 지하안전 숏폼 콘텐츠 공모전)' organized by the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (국토안전관리원)

  • (24.12.09) Congratulations to Go Gi-Eun for winning the Encouragement Award at the 13th Road Landscape Design Competition(제 13회 도로경관디자인 대전) hosted by Korea Expressway (한국도로공사)

  • (24.12) Hoa's paper has recently been published in Natural Hazards. Congratulations!

  • (24.03) Prof. Go won the Young Geotechnical Engineer Paper Award in 2024 from the Korean Geotechnical Society.

  • (24.03) Prof. Gyu-Hyun Go's paper has recently been published in a prestigious international journal in the field of heat and mass transfer (International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, ranked in the top 3.2% according to JCR, JIF Percentile: 96.8%).


  • (24.02) Gi-Eun Ko has joined our lab as undergraduate research student.

  • (23.09) Dr. Viet has joined our lab as Post doctor researcher

  • (23.08) Sayali Pangavhane has been nominated to GKS scholarship at KIT and joined our lab as Master's student

  • (23.03) Won Yoel has joined our lab as master student.

  • (23.03) Min-Seo has joined our lab as Master's student

  • (23.03) Hyeon-Jae has joined our lab as an integrated master's and doctoral program student.

  • (23.03) Ji-Sung has completed the Master's program and graduated

  • (22.11)  Su-In joined our lab as undergraduate research student.

  • (22.08) Cao Van Hoa has been nominated to GKS scholarship at KIT and joined our lab as PhD student

  • (22.07) Min-Ji joined our lab as undergraduate research student.

  • (22.03) Hyeon-Jae and Hee-Won have joined our lab as Master's student.

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